Makassar, April 4th 2019
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Pisang ijo is a dessert or dessert from Makassar that is identical to a banana wrapped in a green dough then smeared with thick coconut milk sauce and red syrup.
we made the banana ijo in the pastry kitchen, we prepared all the ingredients and started making it, we divided the two into one which made the banana and some made for the sauce.
Pisang Ijo Recipe
for green dough,
- flour
- sugar
- margarine
- water
- pandanus flavoring
- green food coloring
- salt
- melt the margarine first and add water and bring to a boil.
- add the green colouring and the pndan flavor mix well. add the sugar, stir until the sugar is melt and just pour the flour slowly while stirring evenly, be careful not to clot. if it has merged the dough cool first.
- while steaming bananas for 30 minutes. chill first take the mixture evenly then wrap the banana with the mixture until the banana is invisible
the ingredients:
- coconut milk
- rice flour
- sugar
- Pandan leaves
- salt
- mix all ingredients into the pan to be used, heat while stirring until the mixture thickens. Serve with the pan and the red sauce.
and as usual before going home, we clean the kitchen first.
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