Makassar, 2 Mei 2019 Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb For 3 days ago we prepared materials for the event on Thursday, namely the FITE event which was held at the Poltekpar and we from food production, prepared food there is lunch box and food carnival. For the Food Carnival we were divided into several groups we worked with our senior 4th semester those who led each group. my group consists of 5 people all women, kak yusria, kak daughter, kak linda, eva and me. our group holds a menu of ice mambo, es teler and slice fruit. On the first day of our preparation was making Mambo ice, the ice we made was the taste of green beans. first the green beans are soaked with water overnight to make the beans more tender. then make green beans with brown sugar and coconut milk along with pandan leaves, then add sugar and simmer for a while then add the green beans and boil again until the green beans are cooked. We took the insert to cool it so that later it would be easy for us to insert ...